Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Lead and manage people Essay Example for Free

Lead and manage people Essay I used to work at a fine dinning restaurant, the restaurant manager there was very good. He has very strong knowledge about how to manage people. He never being aggressive or uses any inappropriate language. He never asks someone to do the job that he doesnt know how to do. He shows people how to get the job done efficiently. No matter what kind of issues or problems that staff have, he always is willing to help. He gains respect from people not only about his position but also his knowledge, skill as well as his personality. Also he has a strong knowledge about all the wines and the food that we were serving. He made the perfect matching wine list for the menu that impresses everyone who worked or ate there. People enjoy working with him, as he give his knowledge to everyone, as a model to teach people a better way to do things and improve the way we usually do. His encouragements made our target easier to achieve. We worked like a family, people took care of each others. I used to work at a Thai restaurant, the mission statement was to bring the authentic Thai cuisine to life and let people enjoy. In order to achieve this mission statement, we need to cook as authentic Thai food as possible as well as let the guests to enjoy the cuisine that we bring overseas. I think the statement is effective for the company. Cuisine changes as it moves overseas. People travel overseas and know how the authentic local cuisine is. They cannot find it in Melbourne because cuisine shifts then the flavour changes. Imagine if there is only one restaurant can keep the real authentic taste that would be the selling point. Thats what this business wanted and they succussed. They do actually follow the statement. They hire the chefs from Thai to train and monitor other chefs, follow all the steps to make dishes in Thai way, import all the necessary ingredients only from Thai, keep in touch with the authentic Thai cuisine, and always ask well known Thai chefs to taste the fo od. I will discuss this change in both formal and informal communication ways, such as via email, staff notice board, through meeting, and face to face to talk about this change. The email and the notice board are just the tools that I want staff to know there is a change to be happening in 6 weeks. Let them to discuss themselves first, get themselves well prepare for the change, and also to establish some issues to discuss in the incoming meeting, like new color against the religion, discrimination, etc. The meeting process is to formally hand out the change and receive the feedback from staffs. It may require a bit editing or more work on to suit everyone. Last for the individual problem, I will have to discuss the problem in person and try to get a best outcome. I want to delegate the job of making sauce A to Jahn, as he is the new apprentice of the job. As well as sauce A is the dairy big job for this section. In 2 weeks time, Jahn should be able to make the sauce A without any supervision and within a very short period of time. But meanwhile, I need to guide through him all the information that he needs to make sauce A. Demonstration is necessary. When he is making sauce A, I will have to supervisor the whole process, just to make sure he follows correct procedures ensure he is able to make it by himself. Sauce A is a very complex job for anyone, therefore 2 weeks training is required. After 2weeks time, people should be able to make it without supervision. We can delegate the task but not the responsibility, therefore I still need to check the correct seasoning for sauce A from Jahn’s work, also the actual time he spends on making it. If I am not at work, then other chefs will supervisor his work as well, just to make sure he keeps his work consistence. Coaching is more than just pure training and it involves more of personal relationship over time and in many ways it is like mentoring. It makes better environment for the organisation from management to the workers together to build a better workplace in order to achieve a better result. As a chef de cuisine, I would evaluate each individual’s skill and put them in the right place, such as put someone on web design or programming if he/she is good at doing computer. Then consider the current situation to establish a plan for coaching. Well explain to members about the plan, make sure they  understand and make changes for any better leads. I will also demonstrate the task to members. I need to show members that I can complete the task better not just I can’t do it therefore I have to hand out for you guys. When there is a specific skill require for the cut, I will show them how to do it, and I am willing to help to teach them and develop their individual skill level. Teach them what is the best way to do things right here. To help them to multi-tasking from my past experience.I think I will be using ‘democratic’ and ‘Laissez-Faire’ style to coach people, they are more guider and helper kind of coaching style instead of being boss to ask around. As a learner, people is willing to learn from others especially from the one who is easy to talk to, image if your teacher is very grumpy, would you ask him/her any questions? I will ask open questions rather than close questions. It is also a good way to get the feedback from people according to their answers. The recognition and promotion are my motivation at the moment. As I just started a new chef job at a different restaurant, everything starts from fresh, humbly gaining knowledge from co-workers. I need to fit in the new working environment is the priority. Within a month period, the recognition from headchef or other chef is my motivation, learning new knowledge everyday at the same time improve myself. I can see myself is improving a better understanding of the food that I make, developing the better skill that as a chef should have, etc. Those factors create satisfaction for myself in order to achieve better position to the job as well as lead co-workers feel is good to have me on board. According to Herzberg’s motivation-Hygiene theory, they are leading to satisfaction. My motivation has changed over the past few years. When I first came to this country, I just needed a job to feed myself, therefore my motivation at that time was just money, and I didnt care about the quali ty of work environment or the skill that I could improve. Then I moved to another restaurant, also I had a fair amount of money to start with, so at that time a better working environment, better pay, better standard was my motivation. It is more like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, different stage has vary needs, as well as the motivations. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can also explain why younger people have different motivational goals than older people. At different age group,  people are tend to have very needs, those needs result different motivational goals. For example, at age 3 you may do what it takes to satisfy your parents in order to get a lollypop. But you wouldnt do the same when you are 20. Because the lollypop wouldnt be your motivational goal at all after you already had hundred of them.Assignment activity 7 Trust-Trust employees, headchef give new staff the opportunity to run the section him/herself. Fully delegate responsibilities to new staff without micromanaging the outcome. They feel being trusted, they will work well in a soften environment. If you always doubt the ability of employee, then they are not happy, how could they work for you. Support- Do not hide the information, give employees the information they need to get the job done. Management should make itself open for the talk regards to the employee manner or dairy issues. As well as welling to help employees to solve the problems that they are facing. Employees feel loved, then they can provide a better outcome to work for you. Facilitation- Provide a happy environment for employees to work with in order to maximize the outcome. No, I dont think so. One of the previous restaurant that I worked, it doesnt have a well communication system. When we say communication, it means two ways, the message from the sender to the receiver, then the feedback from the receiver back to the sender. At that place we have staff notice board and staff communication board. But they are only use to post from the top management only. No staff feedback is needed. It doesnt work as it is only a one way communication tool, it is really hard for management to know if staff understand or award of the new ideas and so on. Within hospitality industry, two ways communication is important, well understand the message and the feedback is essential as they can improve the quality of work or service. Therefore, they should provide the feedback form for staff to fill up, management should really go down and understand what staffs really want. Email out the ideas then get the reply direct from staff may be a good way to start with. The manager at the last place that I used to work, I reckon he uses both paternalistic and democratic management styles. He understands each one of workers within the company and he talks to each one of them like family, therefore everyone calls him ‘brother’. As a ‘brother’, he takes care of each of us and releases the pressure from both workers’ family and work. He listens to people, and talks to people very gently, never use any offensive language. When there are some decisions need to be made, he always listens to all the workers’ need and try to minimize the issues would cause. Those styles were effective for him. He is happy to delegate tasks to colleagues, gaining more power by earning people’s respect. I personal believe he is a good manager as after he took over the place, the revenue was increase and less staff turnover, everyone works together like in a family.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Data Normalization :: Essays Papers

Data Normalization Data normalization is an important step in any database development process. Through this tedious process a developer can eliminate duplication and develop standards by which all data can be measured. This paper addresses the history and function of data normalization as it applies to the course at hand. In 1970, Dr. E.F. Codd's seminal paper "A Relational Model for Large Shared Databanks" was published in Communications of the ACM. This paper introduced the topic of data normalization, so-named because, at the time, President Nixon was normalizing relations with China. Data normalization is a technique used during logical data modeling to ensure that there is only one way to know a fact, by removing all structures that provide more than one way to know the same fact as represented in a database relation (table). The goal of normalization is to control and eliminate redundancy, and mitigate the effects of modification anomalies -- which are generally insertion and deletion anomalies. (Insertion anomalies occur when the storage of information about one attribute requires additional information about a second attribute. Deletion anomalies occur when the deletion of one fact results in the loss of a second fact). Normalization There are six generally recognized normal forms of a relation: first normal form, second normal form, third normal form, Boyce/Codd normal form, fourth normal form, and fifth normal form, also called projection/join normal form. Other normal forms (e.g., Domain/Key) exist but will not be discussed here. The normal forms are hierarchical, i.e., each normal form builds upon its predecessor. Although many people consider a relation to be normalized only when it is in third normal form, technically speaking, a relation in only first normal form can be considered normalized. The Normal Forms First normal form (1NF) - All attributes must be atomic. That is, there can exist no repeating groups in an attribute. For example, in a relation that describes a student, the student's classes should not be stored in one field, separated by commas. Rather, the classes should be moved to their own relation, which should include a link back to the student relation (called a foreign key). Second normal form (2NF) - A relation is in second normal form if it is in first normal form and each attribute is fully functionally dependent on the entire primary key. That is, no subset of the key can determine an attribute's value. Third normal form (3NF) - A relation is in third normal form if it is in second normal form and each non-key attribute is fully functionally dependent on the entire primary key, and not on any other non-key attribute.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Health and Safety in the Workplace Essay

* The wiring can be temperamental, the hot water system is often not working and the canteen is in a basement room with no external lighting or windows. There are only 3 toilets in the building and these are also situated on the lower ground floor, near to the canteen. The Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992 state that in reference to lighting; â€Å"Every workplace shall have suitable and sufficient lighting. Where it is practicable, the lighting shall be by natural light. Suitable and sufficient emergency lighting shall be provided.† To mend the lighting issue in the canteen, sufficient lighting would need to be provided & maintained otherwise the company would be breaching these regulations. These regulations also state that in regards to temperature in the workplace; â€Å"should be reasonable for indoor workplaces. There should be a sufficient number of thermometers provided to allow checking of temperature.† With the hot water system failing to function at all times it is required; the temperature should be monitored carefully & should ideally be replaced with one that is reliable. The toilets in the canteen area will need to be well lit as well, but also very well ventilated with a high quantity of fresh air. The Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992 state that three bathrooms are required for between 26– 50 employees, if there are more employees then additional WC facilities will be required. Also, There must be hot and cold water, soap, and either electric hand dryers or towels provided. The Electricity at Work Act 1989 states that within the work place, those responsible must; â€Å"Have their electrical systems constructed in a way that prevents danger. This includes testing all new equipment to ensure that it is safe. Maintain their electrical systems correctly to prevent danger. Have repaired or closed any electrical system that causes danger.† The electrical system is temperamental & will need to be repaired & in some areas perhaps replaced to keep up to the standards that The Electricity at Work Act 1989 requires. * The lift has been out of service for some considerable time and the computers are constantly breaking down. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 states that any equipment provided must be â€Å"maintained and kept in good working order† therefore the computers & the lift are not meeting these regulations as they are continuously breaking down or in the case of the lift, not working at all. They must either be replaced or repaired so that they are available for use by all people within the building. The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 also say, with regards to the lift, that where manual handling is unavoidable, they should be mechanised with the use of trolleys, lifts and hoists. So if any lifting tasks were to occur, the lift should be available to use as it is already in place. * None of the air conditioning units are working and none of the windows open. All files that need to be kept are stored under the stairs on each of the different floors. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 say that a minimum temperature of 16 °C should be maintained in an area of normal physical activity & there should be a good number of thermometers positioned at above 0.5m off the ground to display the room temperature. There is no maximum temperature for a workplace however these regulations state that the workplace should be comfortable and reasonable. The Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992 also say that â€Å"the supply of fresh air should not normally be below 5-8 litres per second, per occupant† so the fact that the air conditioning units don’t function & the windows do not open breach these regulations entirely & should be repaired or replaced immediately. With the files of the company being stored under the stairs, the company could well be breaching the rules of The Data Protection Act 1998 which states that information stored about people cannot be accessed by a third party without their knowledge. The inadequate storage below each of the stairs is not secure & therefore anyone within the building could access them. The Statutory duties of employers and employees relating to health, safety and welfare as set out by the government says that the employer must explicitly provide arrangements for ensuring safe means of handling, use, storage and transport of articles and substances. All files being stored under the stairs does definitely not provide a safe means of storing documents so an alternative organisational system should be used for the company’s files. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 also sets out to â€Å"protect people at work† & â€Å"to protect people not at work from those who are†, the files could pose a trip hazard to employees & people visiting the building, another reason for an alternative storage system to be implemented. * The offices are cleaned on a weekly basis, but all the cleaning products are kept in the canteen near the emergency exit. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) is the law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health[1] & not storing the cleaning products safely & securely if they contain any harmful ingredients (which many cleaning products do) breaches the regulations set out. You can prevent or reduce workers exposure to hazardous substances by: * finding out what the health hazards are; * deciding how to prevent harm to health (risk assessment[2]); * providing control measures to reduce harm to health; * making sure they are used ; * keeping all control measures in good working order; * providing information, instruction and training for employees and others; * providing monitoring and health surveillance in appropriate cases; * planning for emergencies. If the cleaning products have always been stored by the emergency exit, then the company are in breach of The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as they have failed to identify that there is a risk to its employees & have obviously failed to conduct a thorough risk assessment. With the cleaning products obstructing the emergency exit, The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that â€Å"clear fire instructions should be displayed in all buildings; escape routes should be clearly signposted and free from obstruction†. The cleaning products being stored there are a direct violation of this & they should be removed then stored safely & securely. * The majority of photocopiers are out of action on each of the floors; this means that all staff have to go to the 5th floor to get good quality copies. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 states that any equipment provided must be â€Å"maintained and kept in good working order†, the unusable photocopiers breach these regulations & must be repaired or replaced. The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 state â€Å"to avoid the need for employees to undertake any manual handling operations at work which involve a risk of their being injured†. Under the Regulations, a suitable and sufficient risk assessment of all manual handling operations should be carried out to quantify the risks and put suitable guidance and support in place to make sure risks are kept to a minimum. The employer is also expected to train staff where necessary in the correct way to manually lift and handle objects. The employer has done neither, so to prevent accidents occurring, the employer should implement these immediately. * On your first day at the new office, one of the receptionists, who is due to go on maternity leave in the next two weeks; falls down the stairs (after having done a large amount of photocopying) and breaks her leg, her arm and her collarbone. The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (MHOR)[3] requires an employer to carry out a risk assessment on all manual handling tasks that pose an injury risk. If the employer had assessed this properly, a system or alternative way of moving the photocopied documents could have been developed, or perhaps another member of staff could have taken on this responsibility. The employer’s duty is to avoid manual handling as far as reasonably practicable if there is a possibility of injury. If this cannot be done then they must take steps to reduce the risk of injury as far as reasonably practicable. With the lift being available but closed due to a fault, the employer is not utilizing the available mechanisms as the lift has not been repaired. This puts any employee carrying any large object(s) at risk of injury & the lift will need to be repaired with adequate alternative carrying methods for employees who are unable to do so. Also, The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 says that rest facilities must be provided for pregnant women and nursing mothers, this may not be relevant to the woman falling down the stairs, however if this has not been provided for her, it could have contributed if she was tired & unable to find a place to rest or not allowed to take time to rest.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby is F. Scott Fitzgeralds greatest novel—a book that offers damning and insightful views of the American nouveau riche in the 1920s. The Great Gatsby is an American classic and a wonderfully evocative work. Like much of Fitzgeralds prose, it is neat and well-crafted. Fitzgerald has a brilliant understanding of lives that are corrupted by greed and turn out incredibly sad and unfulfilled. He was able to translate this understanding into one of the finest pieces of literature of the 1920s. The novel is a product of its generation—with one of American literatures most powerful characters in the figure of Jay Gatsby, who is urbane and world-weary. Gatsby is really nothing more than a man desperate for love. The Great Gatsby Overview The novels events are filtered through the consciousness of its narrator, Nick Carraway, a young Yale graduate, who is both a part of and separate from the world he describes. Upon moving to New York, he rents a house next door to the mansion of an eccentric millionaire (Jay Gatsby). Every Saturday, Gatsby throws a party at his mansion and all the great and the good of the young fashionable world come to marvel at his extravagance (as well as swap gossipy stories about their host who—it is suggested—has a murky past). Despite his high-living, Gatsby is dissatisfied and Nick finds out why. Long ago, Gatsby fell in love with a young girl, Daisy. Although she has always loved Gatsby, she is currently married to Tom Buchanan. Gatsby asks Nick to help him meet Daisy once more, and Nick finally agrees—arranging tea for Daisy at his house. The two ex-lovers meet and soon rekindle their affair. Soon, Tom begins to suspect and challenges the two of them—also revealing something that the reader had already begun to suspect: that Gatsbys fortune was made through illegal gambling and bootlegging. Gatsby and Daisy drive back to New York. In the wake of the emotional confrontation, Daisy hits and kills a woman. Gatsby feels that his life would be nothing without Daisy, so he takes the blame. George Wilson—who discovers that the car that killed his wife belongs to Gatsby—comes to Gatsbys house and shoots him. Nick arranges a funeral for his friend and then decides to leave New York—saddened by the fatal events and disgusted by the way lived their lives. Gatsbys Character and Societal Values The power of Gatsby as a character is inextricably linked to his wealth. From the very beginning of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald sets up his eponymous hero as an enigma: the playboy millionaire with the shady past who can enjoy the frivolity and ephemera that he creates around him. However, the reality of the situation is that Gatsby is a man in love. Nothing more. He concentrated all of his life on winning Daisy back. It is the way that he attempts to do this, however, that is central to Fitzgeralds world-view. Gatsby creates himself—both his mystique and his personality—around rotten values. They are the values of the American dream—that money, wealth, and popularity are all there is to achieve in this world. He gives everything he has—emotionally and physically—to win, and it is this unrestrained desire that contributes to his eventual downfall. Social Commentary About Decadence In the closing pages of The Great Gatsby, Nick considers Gatsby in a wider context. Nick links Gatsby with the class of people with whom he has become so inextricably associated. They are the society persons so prominent during the 1920s and 1930s. Like his novel The Beautiful and the Damned, Fitzgerald attacks the shallow social climbing and emotional manipulation—which only causes pain. With a decadent cynicism, the party-goers in The Great Gatsby cannot see anything beyond their own enjoyment. Gatsbys love is frustrated by the social situation and his death symbolizes the dangers of his chosen path. F. Scott Fitzgerald paints a picture of a lifestyle and a decade that is both fascinating and horrific. In so doing, he captures a society and a set of young people; and he writes them into legend. Fitzgerald was a part of that high-living lifestyle, but he was also a victim of it. He was one of the beautiful but he was also forever damned. In all its excitement—pulsating with life and tragedy—The Great Gatsby brilliantly captures the American dream in a time when it had descended into decadence.